Planning Commission Hearing June 19th

When: Wednesday, June 19th, 2024 at 5pm
Where: Carlsbad City Council Chambers, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive (map)

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

The next Planning Commission hearing is scheduled for the 19th, and your presence is crucial. We are at a critical juncture in our community’s future, and we need your support more than ever.

Why Attend?

This new development has a greater detrimental impact than other similar projects because it destroys an entire shopping center with businesses that nearby residents depend on. Seniors are the most impacted by the loss of these essential services.  

Recently, we enlisted the help of a highly experienced expert to review the Planning Department’s report (staff report) for the project. This expert is a retired Carlsbad City engineer with decades of experience, and his initial scan of the staff report has identified several significant issues that need to be addressed.

Request for Continuance

In light of these findings, we will be requesting a continuance at the upcoming hearing. Our expert is unavailable the day of the hearing and he needs an additional two weeks to prepare comprehensive evidence for the Commission’s consideration. This extension will allow us to present a well-substantiated case, ensuring that the Commission members have all the information they need to make a well-informed decision.

Consistency and Fairness

It’s important to note that the Planning Commission has previously granted a continuance to the developer when they requested more time. We believe it is only fair that the same courtesy is extended to us, the public. The Planning Commission rules clearly state that we have that right. However, there is no guarantee that our request will be granted. This is why your attendance is so important. We will do our best to convince the commissioners that additional review is required.

Show Up and Make a Difference

Your presence at the hearing will send a strong message to the Planning Commission and the developer. It will demonstrate our commitment to ensuring that our community’s interests are thoroughly considered. We need to show that we are united and that we mean business.

Thank you for your continued support and dedication to our community.

Have questions?

Use our handy contact form, or drop us a note here: [email protected]