Something Amazing Happened on June 19th

Unprecedented! The Carlsbad Planning Commission voted 5 to 1 to grant us a continuance of the hearing until July 17th! See this article for the reasons why we asked for the continuance.

Although continuances are routinely granted to applicants (developers), this is the first time – ever – that a continuance was granted to a citizen group. If you were at the meeting I thank you for your support. The chamber was standing room only, with lots of people in the outside chairs too. It made a big impression on both the commissioners and the developer.

Let’s make an even bigger impression at the Planning Commission Hearing, Take 3! After 2 continuances, this will be the real deal. Please be there to show your support! The Carlsbad City Planning Commission will decide if they’ll recommend the demolition of the Carlsbad Village Plaza to the City Council.

What: Carlsbad Planning Commission Public Hearing, Take 3
When: Wednesday, July 17th, 2024 at 5pm
Where: Carlsbad City Council Chambers, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive (map)

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