Latest News

  • Special Town Hall Meeting

    Special Town Hall Meeting

    Please plan to attend! The Carlsbad City Council is scheduled to decide the fate of the Carlsbad Village Plaza on Tuesday, Sept 24th. Because the opportunity for citizen input at this hearing is strictly limited, we will be holding an informal town hall to give local residents an opportunity to more fully explore the issue…

  • We Need To Act Now!

    We Need To Act Now!

    The City Council hearing for this project could happen as soon as September 24th. We need to go into high gear ASAP! What we do right now is very important, not only for this project but because it sends a signal to developers who are working on additional projects. We need to let them know…

  • We’re Starting A Nonprofit!

    We’re Starting A Nonprofit!

    We are excited to announce the creation of a nonprofit organization for the purpose of saving Carlsbad Village Plaza. Called the Equitable Land Use Alliance, our new nonprofit organization will fight the demolition of the plaza, taking legal action if necessary. We will enlist our own experts and legal counsel to push back on the…